Originally posted by Zestfulmocha
“requests a trading halt in relation to adidi-kanga”, we had legislative changes last year, no TH etc., there is nothing on the cards from this perspective even being considered in country so far as I am aware. Bug changes seldom come left of field , IMO
Re Timing - if the delay until post vote was not coincidental, then it was due to another party delaying, not Vector. Also worth noting it doesn’t make sense to delay for a vote, as the decision won’t be announced or change of government applicable for some time... ao it’s probably coincidence IMO (I have long since held the view they wanted this some pre-election and I still believe that was the goal, so whilst it has an impact to relationships, strictly speaking it has no impact on the acquisition - why would it?). We can muse over hous of cards style plays in the DRC until the cows come home, but we’re probably better of talking about the acquisition, not a vote.
My expectation is that this is signed, and I don’t expect we will hit the moon on Friday, because this is just the firsts check to give smart money confirmation to buy - which they will - then play and shake this baby hard while they get their fill and set up for the strong flow of announcements and re-rate that will be 2019 VEC - Resource upgrades to ??? 10-15moz? more?, confirm that equipment will save us $70m+ capex, remind us of the hundreds of millions already invested into this deposit - then give us the DFS / decision to mine... that’s the journey that will truly make this a monster, any bags in the interim will just be the appestiser.
All IMO of course, let’s see that deal confirmation first, baby steps
yes I agree 100%, you dont need a week long trading halt to advise of bad news or delays, I would think they have put this out till Friday to give the ASX ample time to review the announcement it will be a pretty involved announcement , this has taken 12 months to put together and once passed by the ASX will blow a lot of people out of the park IMO, hopefully we get an influx of announcements now as the acquisition IMO stopped VEC from announcing anything else, lots of talk in here of resource upgrades and it is a possibility as we have another 9 leases, not sure how far advanced they are and AK is sitting next door to a 20 million ounce mine, good luck to all holders and those that will be buying in on opening