According to the results of our recent Pulse survey, which YouGov carried out onbehalf of BDO and the Quoted Companies Alliance, the average cost of being quotedon AIM is around £220,000 per annum, whilst the average cost of maintaininga listing on the Main Market is more than 60% higher at around £360,000 perannum.This total is made up of the costs of financial PR,investor relations, nomads, brokers, auditors,website maintenance, regulatory news service,registrars, annual general meeting, annual reportproduction and the annual listing fees.However, this captures only the external costs; theinternal costs of time spent on investor relationsand regulatory compliance will almost double thiscost. Therefore, as a rule of thumb, the real annualcost for an AIM company is on average £500,000and £750,000 for a Main Market listing.