Sorry for the spam, but one more thing worth pointing out
-- From March 1 announcement:
-- Mr Ryan said dissolved oxygen levels and temperature had been the main husbandry challenges for Tassal this summer, but these had been managed effectively.
“Dissolved oxygen concentrations in harbour waters are influenced by wind and rain events, as well as air temperature,” he said. “Temperatures have cooled and
Tassal sites have seen a dramatic oxygen recharge over the past two weeks.
“Additionally, the bottom water dissolved oxygen is continuing to re-charge after the initial low bottom water low dissolved oxygen event in 2013.“The bottom water dissolved oxygen in Macquarie Harbour has experienced another re-charge event from oceanic and weather drivers around two-weeks-ago.”
That's a lot of detail to provide if you're going to lie about salmon growth. A lot to be caught out on.
I don't think this recent announcement is being interpreted correctly...