The company should have at least the underwriting funds of $1.8m in the bank according to point 1.5 Sub-underwriting in the Entitlement Offer information booklet. IMO the offer also is ok by 1.4 Underwriting and management i.e. ASX 200 only down 3% and no issues announced re: 'a material adverse change in the assets, liabilities, financial position or performance, profits, losses or prospects of Carbon Energy and its controlled entities'
'Under the Sub-Underwriting Agreement, Kam Lung may acquire up to 138,461,538 New Shares in addition to its Entitlement. Kam Lung is required, under the Sub-underwriting Agreement, to deposit $1,800,000 into an account of the Company to be used for the purpose of meeting its obligations under the Sub-underwriting Agreement. These funds must be returned if Kam Lung is not required, under the Sub-underwriting Agreement, to subscribe for $1,800,000 worth of Shares'.
The summa case still isn't due in court until Monday 18 April = 3:15-cv-05334-TEH - Summa Resource Holdings LLC v. Carbon Energy Limited Motion to Dismiss: