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Originally posted by stayer
hope so - i am feeling a bit under siege here lately
have some stocks doing brilliantly yet plenty in shorters sights!
-tried to be brave and buy spo (didnt own prior to big drop) ; but have a few pry (not game to buy more); sold my alq but told my daughter and parents to buy a while ago!; have plenty 1pg but have taken good profits but was also trying to hold onto long term parcel, did some successful st trading but only sold handful l.t. at $4 on shortcovering rally; have iph going well but shj have been getting shorted!; have fair few bhp and they have been disastrous -but then i have bkl and csl!!! I have too many stock to bore you all with details, but shortselling i do hate!!
pme going blinder and fell out of sky a bit, but ubn hugely; missed buy on rnt and dub!!! yet overall portfolio doing ok thanks to not only bkl, csl, but apx peh frm ckf som acx ajx bgl voc elx pme ipp kkt myx ssm
sorry to do that to you, but I feel better now!!!
still hate short selling, not neccessarily short sellers!
haha, the trials and tribulations of the stock investor eh. We have many reasons why we buy and sell. I have a few of your holdings: som, pme. Quite excited about TCN, BLT.NZ and XTD at the moment. And MWR looks good value and could surprise. All the best