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Originally posted by scatterpult:
They did not say the bond has been aproved. Until that bond agrement has been agreed to the freezing an RCA is impossable acording to the last couple of anoncements. Then that would have to go before the NMDC legals department to be finished. That is two steps before they get to freeze the RCA. It may be 3 steps before they can freeze it if NMDC need to take the legal agrement to the next board meeting and have it ratafied. So i seriosly dont think ECT are going to india this week to have the RCA frozen.There is to much to get done yet i thik they are only showing NMDC the bond and agreing to that then it will go to the legal team if it goes well then the board. But it might not go well so be prepared for a step back wards. And ubtl the RCA gets agreed to and presented to the board i beleve it is only an arrangement that is hopeing to become and agrement. when it finaly becomes a proper Agreement than it can be frozen and only then can the RCA be gone over by the legal team again and presented to the revelant minister and then singed. Dont you see how much time this will still take before it can possably unfold? A couple of legal meetings are still to come before any of this happens wich means another 2 trups back an forth by ECT to australia and india, then a extra ordanary board meeting. And at that time the ratafications are to come by both sides of the agreeement. A lot of back and forth is still yet to come but I saw no warning of how long all that will take in the anoncment so may be I am imagining it if it has not been written. But process is process and proccess can not be avoided when it is a legal proccess and ministers are involved in two diferrent countries that need to hold two diferrent board meetings. No body wants to mention the reality of all this time consumeing proccesses though. As Sholtz said I find that Interesting more than anything else. its not full speed ahead i think and what they say will be done by 31 march is hot air to me. This group would get more respect from me if it was talking about these realistic parts of the business proccess. I was introduced to this company by a friend 3 years ago who is not a freind any more for this reson. The person said this India and Victoria was being fast tracked and it was 95% ready to be rolled out as a game changer. Fozerd said it was not a roll of the dice any more last year and another ECT worker said that we will be knee deep in concrete about a year ago i think and then they were said to be singing the RCA which is not even agreed to yet around 6 or more months ago. Between my freind, fozards biszare claim and how the knee deep in concrete thing and then mention of a singing the RCA maybe over 6 months ago which was not even an agreement i think but was only a draft that had to be changed before it could become agreed to then failure to apply sun set dates and threats that ECT might not be able to continue with the project if the last sunset date was not meeten by NMDA has made me tell you this HAWKS2014. The rest is my replying to sholtsz post. The RCA is still not even agreed to. Rely amazing stuff to be honest. The thing of movies rely. Hype for some and heart brake for others is a fair way to say it. Good luck but don't bet on the timing and take notice of the ELF mania before any thing is even a certanty. They dont even have a deal yet that can make share price go up. I think this last push for ELF discount has only incresed risk but that is me and I did not buy any so its not my bussines to discuss it within detail.
I was just thinking. What if by some miracle in the near future your ECT investment turns into a handsome profit eclipsing all your frustrations and heartache? It will be pretty sad that you lost a friend because you were impatient. Regardless of what happens I don't think it was your friends fault. Ultimately you have to be responsible for your own actions and I see a pattern with what you say. First it was your friends fault for your investment decisions now it's ECT's fault for not coming together in a timely fashion that suits your agenda. I think you need to step back and realise that you're the one that needs to take responsibility for what you chise to do. You should call your friend. You never know it could be the best thing he ever did for you and if not, at the end of the day maybe it's you that could be the problem?