I have talked to people doing same thing (retail data analytics) but with video analytics which brings much more accurate site movement tracking (down to people picking up / putting down things in aisles), plus facial/demographic recognition. But they are more expensive vs. wifi tracking with the latter plugging into user social media a plus (if allowed / privacy issues aside). I think a marriage of the two will make sense in the future.
While SKF is likely to do well, the first A$10m in revenues does not belong to us as shareholders. The biggest negative on SKF is the massive dilution to us (42% of enlarged capital) if they hit their targets of 2016 revenues $10m and 82.5m incentive earned-out shares are issued to the original vendors @ A$0.200/share, a massive cap for performance in my view. For us as shareholders to benefit (i.e. share price to perform beyond current levels), SKF has to hit well pass the >A$10m mark.