CFO had massive quality issues in the first half of the year. Basically the coal they were getting wasn't to the right standard for what they needed, so they bouggt/built a coal pulverisation plant to ensure quality.
THat was in addition to scaling production.
What this statement is saying is that the bad quality had an impact to their reputation, and giving TAC use their product to tender on, it had a flow in effect.
Now that the issue is fixed TAC are able to tender properly and it appears everyone has more confidence in the product.
This was always a risk, and has caused even more issues, including a large amount of product made under the old leadership that had to be scrapped. Sunk cost.
Going forward we have a great product, secure supply lines, a cornerstone customer and more trialing and onboarding.
We have been relying on TAC to sell our product for us, so of course they are the major buyer, and now that we are tamping up our own sales force that should start to shift and deals come direct.
Yes I wish the share price was higher, of course, but I am confident in the direction we are heading.