That's the guy i trust to lead the way .
Geoffrey Pearce : Role - Non-Executive Chairman
- Mr Pearce is a Melbourne-based entrepreneur with over three decades ofbusiness experience.
Mr Pearce has extensive experience inpharmaceutical and cosmetic manufacturing as well as raw material andpackaging sourcing and supply.
In 2002, Mr Pearce started a contractmanufacturing business in the bath and beauty industry with theacquisition of a small factory.
In 2010, he renamed that business asBeautiworx.
In 2014, Mr Pearce sold Beautiworx into a company where hewas one of the two major shareholders, CEO of the manufacturing arm anda director on the Board. This company, BWX Limited, was successfullylisted on the ASX in 2015 with a current market capitalisation of over $400million.
Special Responsibilities - Member of Remuneration and Nominations Committee and Audit and RiskCommittee.
Geoffrey Pearce- - amount of shares held by 30/06/2018 3,205,052
If he has 3.2m shares i feel safe with my small holdings.