(a) the Offer, and each contract resulting from acceptance of the Offer, was freed from the conditions set out in paragraph (b) of Appendix 2 of the Bidder’s Statement by a notice under section 650F of the Corporations Act lodged with the ASX on 15 May 2018;
I believe this is good for us as it increases our numbers by percentage and decreases Taurus. I believe it essential puts the employees shares back into play.
(b) as at the date of this notice, so far as the Bidder is aware, the remaining conditions to the Offer set out in paragraph (a) of Appendix 2 of the Bidder’s Statement have not been fulfilled or waived and, accordingly, the Offer remains subject to those conditions;
I don’t understand as the conditions in (a) refers to the take over period which I believed they had to extend by now. So I would of thought this statement was superfluous. Unless they are saying the offer is still standing.
(c) as at the date of this notice, the Bidder’s voting power in the Target is 86.75%.
This one is the funniest of the lot since this document on the 4th June 2018 that states the bidder has 86.74%
they have only made up 0.01% in a month and a half hahahahahahahaha
Stay strong men