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Originally posted by Red Baron
Not only are these fresh foods for Gibio & Freshero organic, free from pesticides, they also guarantee a reliable supply in all seasons.
Maybe just coincidence, Gibio are looking as Cos lettuce as their first crop for the supermarkets. If you google "cos lettuce quebec" the reults nearly all mention the E. Coli breakout in their Romaine lettuce (cos) even though it was 9 months ago. Of course using the Rotogro system is very automated, a controlled environment, with minimal human contact, and it is grown very close to the sale points.
Freshero are looking at strawberries as one of their 4 first crops. Obviously just a coincidence, but the news is full of the supply problems (needles) with this line. Once again, the Rotogro system is a controlled environment with minimal human contact. Freshereo's web site also says "Co-location of Warehousing operations utilising available land owned by the major retailer" So they'll be growing at their warehouse, again ensuring supply & minimising any chance of contamination etc.
Red baron, how is rotogro achieving organic staus for their crops. Are the incorporating the ecopro3from amfil technologies? The companies do have a JV .