At this stage of my life I’m in a bunch of private resource companies and I’m not bothered with hiding behind virtual identies. I’m happy to provide views but won’t go into negatives on personalities. I may discuss strategy but not at others expense.
when I acquired the MCO portfolio I also pegged the massive EL around it. It is the entire field except A1 mine and the stuff CTL acquired own near Walhalla. You can all decide on your own DYOR why that southern end of the field is not in AULs portfolio.
my plan was to fund into 3 and 4 with Norton and 1. 3 and 4 are billionaire stuff.
1 can work with use of light drilling and a built structural map and 50/50 luck. MStar upper plus RoD plus Wallaby will work by having a few flying crews of hand miners moving after the drilling.