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Originally posted by ragingboom
I would like to offer an alternative discussion point truthinbeer.
As we know, OEL has already risen 300% since the first murmorings of this Alaskan acquisition. The consortium, if successful, will cause the RMP share price to rise to great heights. Have more faith in yourself, the board of directors and your decision to invest in RMP. Things are now happening and l expect the share price to be in excess of 20 cents when she recommences trading on the ASX within weeks. The London investment briefing was well attended and the subsequent trading demonstrates a level of belief from both institutional and sophisticated investors. Massive upside of a potential 1 billion plus barrel bounty coming our way. Do the Maths truthinbeer. l billion barrels at a $20 in ground minimum valuation per barrel is a market cap of $20,000,000,000 (20 billion dollars). Our current market cap is circa $10,000,000 (10 million dollars). If l am not mistaken then that is a 2000 (2 thousand) multiplier upside. This is monumental mega boom jackpot territory. I accumulated heavily on the ASX prior to the trading halt last year and am accumlatng on the AIM. I acknowledge that l have not been a supporter of Bandy in the past. BUT, l reckon Bandy just got the Candy. Huge news and massive breakout real soon.
Ragingboom says: This is the real deal and the next ASX sweetheart.
I 'only' came up with $8-9Bill, but I'll take $1Bill any day. The partners are impressive and
I wish I'd bt some of them when I had the chance.
The open will be interesting.