Sorry, U must read the ASX announcements, And they are boring for sure. Or just let me read them and give the quick translation of the substance in my posts.
But an absolute necessity for penny stock investors is an understanding of the written word and information that is issued by the ASX and U R so often confused........
We want to make money here and not posts.
Get in low, get out High, and then live large! Or stay in and prosper...............
I would suggest that U enjoy the time off from work now and perhaps go for a ride in the outback to the old Paynes Find Gold site and have a
few biers with friends or your loosely knit group of posters.
Or an ice cold coke or something.....................Relax dude, next week will B here soon enough.
Plenty of time then to warn the mom and pop investors about t.sage or whatever. I don't think anyone is reading the threads here on the holiday..............