Just out of interest, can you highlight the "fuller than a stale bucket of monkey spunk" that apparently
@Kristian333 post is composed of.
Is it Brazil being ready in December, because I am sure there was an announcement about going LIVE made at the start of January including reference to the Launch Party that was to take place Jan 26 over there....the Launch Party where one poster mentioned that a 20 ISP's turned up for, 20 out of a potential of 5000 throughout Brazil.
Is it the content debacle, where 10 days after the Launch Party Tv2u went into a Trading Halt(Damage Control) as it was discovered that ccstv didnt have the licence to supply Tv2u with said Content. After a short Suspension we were then told that through Mr Suzuki who just happened to be at the Launch Party that Tv2u would look to aquire Slim Pack after the completing a 3 month due diligence process. Another poster informed us that the content issue was sorted and we would be getting an update once all the i's and t's were crossed and dotted and checked and checked again......that post which resulted from a pesonl communique with the company's IR representative was in June.
The Content issue was a huge set back for the company in Brazil and my opinion is they were let off lightly by SH's, a few even infered blame rested solely on Claudio's shoulder, which I suppose there always has to be a scapegoat.
Was it the 10 cents +.......was that is based moreso on SH sentiment. Even ST was touting this would be 10 cents by Xmas(Last Year), and no ST I am not going to dig up your post.
Was it the lack of SH communication.....well I dont think we need to say anymore about that as the company has said enough....or should that be the company hasn't said enough.
As for the CR, the company is in advanced negotiations to secure funding, funding that was by there own admission at last years AGM would not be required by this time of 2018 as they would be cash flow positive. So now Advanced Negotiations falls under the realms of Imminent and Shortly........
As for the forecast revenue numbers of earlier this week, I actually don't have an issue with what transpired as I thought the reason they were not making forecasts in previous announcements was because they had no historical numbers to work with so therefor could not substantiate projected revenue numbers moving forward.
As for all talk no delivery......well, we wont mention Bodyworks, the first to market STB, Karaoke2u, Slim Pack.......
......and I really need to go do some real work.
All in my opinion, do you own research, blah blah blah. I hold because I might just break even on my last buy back in to Tv2u, and who knows they may just finally get there act together and finish something they actually start.
Go ahead, take your best shot cause its all water of a ducks back for me now