I noticed on Miracle Valley's web site, they submitted their evidence package to Health Canada on Jan 10th 2019.
From what I've read this is a video & other documentation of their completed grow rooms, security etc & affirmation of their readiness to cultivate. It is the last step in getting a cultivation license.
As an example of the time to get a license, Atlas growers submitted their evidence package on Sept 26th 2018 and were granted a license on 12/10/18 less than a month later.
Miracle valley have had 48 machines delivered - enough for 2 grow rooms in order to get their Cultivation license. As they have 29,000 sq ft, once the license is granted I'd assume they will complete the $2.3m order. Also the $2.3m order is for 9 rooms which would only take up < 10,000 sq ft so only a third of the facility.
I don't think Frozen Penguin are far behind them, so some big orders not far away.