All this is extremely sad, heartbreaking even. Nonetheless, the last few posts have returned a bit of sanity to this thread.
The crux of the matter is whether or not the new board delved into the QUT disgrace.
IMO, whatever the answer is, they come out in poor light. If they did not delve into it, they should have. If they did, then enough of a red flag should have been raised to inform shareholders of the background and given their reasons for proceeding.
Playing with other people's money and getting paid for it requires the highest standard of integrity and competence. No case has been made here to question integrity. Alas, a grey cloud looms menacingly over competence.
Conversely, investors, for their own self protection, should leave no stone unturned. The FTT failure is a stark reminder of this. It is rather surprising really, that no HC poster uncovered the murky beginnings of this technology when it really mattered. Unfortunately, it took hindsight to do that.