6.1.5 Diamond Drilling
BBX undertook a total of 6 Diamond Core holes at 57.8cm diameter. The holes were targeted by BBX geologists using a combination of Reconsult geophysical targets along with soil geochemistry anomalies.
Drilling was undertaken by Energold, an international drilling company that utilise man portable drilling rigs which were required for the BBX drilling Diamond Core Sampling
BBX geologists supervised all core sampling undertaken. Core was split in half via a diamond saw in the fresh material. The ½ core was bagged into between 0.5m and 3m composites for the first hole and then BBX reverted to standard 1m sample intervals for the remaining holes. The remaining ½ core was returned to the core box and a wood lid was placed on and the box and stored for future reference.
Independent Technical Valuation of the Mineral Assets of BBX Minerals Ltd –September 2016
Sahara considers that the maximum sample length for gold samples should be 1m. If there is a potential for coarse gold then samples greater than 1m are very difficult to attain precision and accuracy.
Sample Security
Diamond Core (DC) was transported directly to the BBX Apui sample preparation facility for appropriate preparation and storage. After logging, DC samples were split and sampled by BBX geologists.
Samples were bagged and then transported to SGS sample preparation laboratory in Parauapebas, Para State. Pulverised samples were then shipped by SGS to their main assay laboratory in Belo Horizonte.
Sahara considers the DC sampling security to meet current industry best practice.