Reading some of the decision, it reads that the responsibility for the environmental damage doesn't only accrue to Cooperjuma but also to BBX's subsidiary.
Is necessary to report. I DECIDED.
After having performed new diligence, the MPF added the initial,
intending exclusively the subjective extension of the lide, maintaining that, without.
to modify the request and cause of request exposed in the vestibular piece, it is considered appropriate to include José Ferreira da Silva Filho (common Zé Capeta), Mário Antônio da Silva (commonly known as Velho Mário), Miguel Antônio Cedraz Nery, Daniel Borges Nava, Nádia Cristina D Ávila Ferreira, Paulo Cézar Lourenço Bruno (vulgar Paulão), Minorte Extração de Minério Ltda. and Mineração BBX do Brasil Ltda. on the demand side, on the grounds that they would be jointly responsible for the environmental damages discussed in this action.