From the oceanwatch facebook page yesterday referring to AU capital mining.
Yesterday at 05:58 ·
Success I am so happy to be able to announce that a major battle in the war against loggers and miners destroying the rainforests in Temotu has just been won The miners have had their Prospecting Licence revoked by the government. They have been obliged to do this because, over the last 2 years there has been a paradigm shift amongst landowners. Initially people were confused about mining, were easily fooled by the miners but this has all changed. Landowners now have no doubt about the negative impact of mining. They understand their basic right to free prior informed consent and they are aware that there are far better alternatives for their development without spoiling their environment. Other miners will follow but landowners will not be fooled again and they have a far better vision for their Islands now. This project has been driven by a small but tireless group of landowners and activists, led by Ruddy Oti and supported by OceansWatch NZ and OceansWatch Solomon Islands, and working with local civil society groups including the Temotu Sustainable Development Association and the Graciosa Bay Governing Council. A huge thank you to funders, Projects for Good and to all the individual donors."