Our current market cap (35 mill) is extremely undervaluing our company.
We have just recieved 7m AUD (or 20% of our market cap).
A further 14m AUD (or 40% of our market cap) to be received
This equates to a total of 21m AUD (or 60% of our market cap) in revenues that we have/will be receiving simply for allowing Asahi to use and commercialize our technology in Japan ONLY. We will then receive 50% of all revenue from the future sales of our product. Considering Asahi were willing to give us 21m AUD for the right to manufacture and sell our product , it doesn't take rocket scientist to realize the potential revenue per year, from Progenza alone, in Japan alone, could be many multiples of our upfront payment per year.
We still have OTHER PRODUCTS and OTHER COUNTRIES where we can earn similar revenue. And we have ASAHI GlASS AGC as our partner (a huge conglomerate generation 13 bill revenue in 2013), who will want to earn lots more revenue from our products, in many more countries, just as we do.
We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to accumulate at these prices, before our market cap is corrected. Once corrected, I truly believe our market cap will be many multiples of what it currently is. Once the market wakes up, we will be the ones laughing. We could be witnessing the birth of a billion dollar company right in front of our eyes fellas