Originally posted by stardestr0yer
No doubt my points below will not be taken well by fanboy shareholders...
Like BUB (which I exited some time ago), really worrying about their product and manufacturing costs. They have made no statement in their quarterly about how much of that is sitting as inventory. It is difficult as we can talk revenue, receipt and costs, but gross margins are not stated and as such no idea what scale they need to make money.
So if receipts grow by 300% next quarter and prod and manufacturing costs still exceed that, is that a good thing?
Very surprised the market excited by this.
As a startup company their costs are going to be high until they reach a critical sales level. They will no doubt lose money until they reach that level. The main thing is that they can sell the product that they are aiming to produce.
The money will be going out big time while they are reaching that level.
I don't think they can count inventory as sales.
When you look at the director fees to sales that hurts.
They always seem to do OK.