Bought my final tranche of heads @ 008 so now fully restocked...
Chartwise it's landed where I initially bought... like most here I did not expect it to go this low... but that... er... low... CR...
Am positive over the next few months as believe it will push back > 1
If so the current oppies would be ok in my book @ 001 so am in the queue as think they will trade 002/003 if the heads DO move back to 1.2/1.3 again with plenty of time in hand...... and much more is possible with a little good news...
Have reinvested all my earlier profits now and if no further selloff ensues due to the... er... low CR may well buy more... maybe some of the new options...
Yes... Debt is an issue but not for a while with the extra money just raised (???) so will cross that bridge when it's closer and if there is a good positive announcement think money can be made from here or somewhat recouped if you've bought in higher... GHTAH