Originally posted by banana man
"At Mt Cobalt, the drilling contractor will complete three RC holes targeting potential host shear zones north of drilling completed in 2016 and 20182 . Assay results for the entire program will be collectively reported once received."
What is going on? it took how many people to email the company to clear this up, who after reading this thought it was after MT cobalt drilling that assays where been released? noting the title of the section,
"Mt Cobalt / Pembroke Nickel‐Cobalt‐Copper Project"
For a guy who worked at the top.of the banks, he sure seems to miss a few finer details imo, or does he?
Why are these anns not straight forward stating whats happening? Surely you couldnt argue about the above statement, or the ore imeddiately after the break, or the 6 weeks to build the dam, then it was another 4 weeks, then it was another 6 months??? The question marks keep coming imo, what is about to happen next?
Are you weakening from the force of the brotherhood of perpetual positivity.
Wouldn't want you coming over to the dark side BM as the force has always been strong with you and Darth Crash is just waiting for you to take a seat at his table.
Hopefully we will be shipping project long before May 4th