So with say 2.7 million depending , what are the costs for the next month in a basic per month format .
There’s no income , maybe more loans , maybe selling more shares which depletes share price
So it’s crystal clear for the blue sky crew, how much money will be spent on actually setting up infrastructure and costs Incured for staff, equipment, geo readings of drill results etcetc
We all know 2.7 million is rubbish with pre mining costs , so is this even possible to do any actual mining , even though we don’t know if the grade is even cost effective
There are mines in the Pilbara that had all drill results, built a mine in. 12 months , that had port hedland not to far off the mark. So we for AVQ have nothing , but a photo of. A barge .
The best result is a full report , I must be insane , but a full report of drill results as per last 2 months . We can talk crappola about the nice barge etc, let’s have the results now