Hi kcof,
Thank you for your post.
Granted the promised past dates, have referred to recommissioning of the Mill (not the Mining Lease), but if the HOA is off the table, then in accordance with the listing rules, this must be reported. It is a major agreement that now appears to have been amended.
Secondly, if this is a known, then remuneration for the period must be paused.
Knowingly/deliberately/wilfully continuing to not report on a material matter, is in breach.
Why should our chairman be paid $2500/week if we hit the next wet. Thats not remuneration, first you need to produce something to be remunerated.
Likewise for all other directors and key personnel.
Notice, the "to do list" every quarterly! Well 95% of that list never happens (drilling etc).
Weekly payments (consultant) deserve weekly progress (reports).
The gravy train has gone on long enough...and appointing another director (fees), knowing the dates are bound to slip, is just taking the pi$$
See you at the AGM....I love a good fight and a beer!...just not sure Bizz can reach his wallet whilst my size 12 is on his throat