I agree with the competitiveness of the grant schemes, and I actually said that I hoped GPP missed out last time because there are more worthy projects out there with the limited funding available, plus GPP have a history of acquiring tenements whilst chasing their next big thing dream, applying for grants and then bailing on the project and moving on.
My negativity wasn't they missed out on the grant, it was more to do with how the conducted themselves once they were aware of the rejection, failure to follow ASX listing rules and then the lame excuse of why they were late announcing...
The field trials may still be on the cards but only if they can get enough Bio - Stimulant oil from Thermaquatica (read previous posts and they do have some problems with their PDU) or from this quarterly where GPP have recognised there is problems with the USA PDU hence why with modifications we need our own unit - Under the heading of Utilisation of PDU#2
As I pointed out previously, GPP currently have 2 major projects, either or both could be a company maker in its own right because of these projects running simultaneously they need to be advising the market via announcements on both (as they allude to do in their announcements) and not announce the flavour of the month (Turesi) and bury the OHD details in a quarterly.
@Davy Boy The previously failed CRP-C grant was why I suggested that they needed to do a larger placement (they didn't know of course that it would be over subscribed) Credit Raise, Rights Issue or SPP anything that would of afforded us to move the PDU#2 closer to a reality, sure share holder dilution would of occurred (I have been critical of that previously, on the issue of performance options to management) but this end of town it is usually the case - point being PLS has 1.75B shares on issue. At some point to garner interest from broker houses ($100M Mkt Cap seems to be a minimum criteria) their will be a consolidation of shares but at the moment it is fine as there is currently liquidity in GPP plus the market cap will no doubt steadily climb on the back of results of Turesi.
The stressed weed trials were completed 28th February, so results won't be far off no doubt as the team compile data?
ALl the above IMO only