If you are referring to me,
I will as soon as GPP management:
a) continue to adhere to ASX listing rules,
b) are transparent,
c) release announcement without the prods of the ASX,
d) stop being selective with the way announcements are released,
e) follow through on what they state in announcements rather than just let it slide (no one will notice attitude)
f) stop chasing dreams of the next big thing,
g) engage value added consultants rather than retaining ex directors in a consultant/technical advisor roles,
h) engage consultants that may add better value than the "expert" that has an abundance of appointments that time spent to GPP would be minimal (IMO)
i) release announcement on all their projects rather than burying the setbacks/delays in the Quarterlies, I mean seriously the amount of times in announcements they say the will keep shareholders informed.
j) have someone to proof read their announcements so they don't waste shareholders money on amendments
That should be enough. if they could achieve 50% of the above would be a good start.