Reading the following is encouraging "Newfield is rapidly progressing a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and mine development drilling program targeted at accelerated development of the Tongo Project to commence mining in 2019"
There is already the existing infrastructure which sets this development apart from others developing from scratch. As I understand it we have the 50 tph processing plant, an existing 5 tph bulk sample processing facility, a mix of mining vehicles and significant building and camp facilities.
Two things to look forward to by December 2018 according to the report.
1. An updated JORC-compliant Diamond Resource estimate for the Tongo Project following 10,000m drill program to infill known results at 50m spacing bringing shallow portions into the Indicated Resource category and boosting the overall total of Inferred Resources targetting new Exploration Target zones.
2. Completion of the Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Program for the Tongo Project to more precisely define the technical requirements of the project and deliver an optimised underground mine design and treatment plant layout. In addition it is expected to refine the final capital expenditure estimate and operating cost budgets for bringing the Tongo Project into production and running operations.
There are other pieces of news that were due September and now overdue.
This time next year, Rodney
(for the Brits here)