CAN have the bigger clout,,,IMHO,,and the others will catch up,Good to see QBL
go from just food bling to med tech,THC close on the heals,and a plethora of other
smoldering just fine.....and the rest one will not list as you now doubt know them all.
About the world,treated this as one of creations best all round gifts,
instead of putting hundreds of thousand into servatute,for nothing,
fueling,prices stock of those who manage incarceration,instead of
funneling such funds to the truly needy.
Anyway,since this topic is general,IMHO,CAN
is run by boffins and egg heads,and with people with savvy...
Loved their IPO,,sitting,,,yum yum...sitting and grinning.
And to think that a while ago it was so down ramped,in a post one has long
ignored,after getting in a while ago.
And AEB has expanding land availability and Bio tech nouse, in the region most tolerant of this medicine, who's "gov" realized early on,if you cant "fight them join then",and direct
wasted funds to more beneficial nation building projects.