And the big question of all. If EUR and Paynes Find Gold were so wonderful in the past and DLC dumped tons of shareholder money into the deals, how come DLC has not joined up in any of the CRs going on with CVS and EUR? With cash sitting in the bank doing nothing except getting smaller and smaller.
Now DLC could purchase shares of EUR and CVS for peanuts, compared to how much they paid/gave out in the past. Those of us that have been holding/trading DLC or Adultshop can write a book about that.
Of course I attempted to interest DLC management in the idea but to no avail. Not even a comment other than my ideas were passed on to Mr. Day. It was just an idea from me but as I am one of the top 10 holders of DLC shares, I should have at the very least been informed that my ideas are ok but not viable at this date in the history of DLC. I will not lose any sleep over it but I will wonder about it a little.
Good luck with the line swiping and all. Make me rich if U R able. Keep up the cheerleading until "TO DA MOON" or something...............