I stopped watching at open this morning!
This is TOP's Alex Waislitz's - (recent AGM address) comment on their OVH holding.
"The major new addition to our portfolio since last years AGM is an investment in OneVue
Holdings Limited (OVH). This position materialised as consideration for TOPs investment in
Diversa Limited, a company which you may recall presented at the 2015 TOP AGM. In June
2015, TOP anchored a capital raising in Diversa Limited, at the time taking a shareholding of
approximately 11% and ultimately through market transactions reached 19%. In June of this
year, OneVue and Diversa announced a merger transaction with consideration in the form of
OneVue scrip. Shortly, we will hear from the Chief Executive Officer of OneVue so I wont go
into too much detail however, TOP and its associates have an interest of approximately 11% in
the merged entity and are excited about the journey ahead."