mbomb and vin123
I am a little confused. Please have patience, I am new to Nickel/Cobalt mining/shares.
Does Nickel Sulphate have a value after the Nickel, Cobalt, Hematite, Alumina andMagnesium Oxide has been removed?
I see from the recent announcement, that the mined Nickel Sulphate has a premium of $2.00/lb and the Nickel content has a value of $6.50/lb. For the purposes of calculating potential revenue from Nickel alone for PM1, should we calculate 5,670t by $6.50/lb for the Nickel content, plus add the $2.00/lb premium for the Nickel Sulphate primaryproduction?
This would give revenue of:
5,670t x 2204lb = 12,496,680 x $6.50 = $ 81,228,420 for the Nickel
25,400t x 2204lb = 55,981,600 x $2.00 = $111,963,200 for the premium on Nickel Sulphate
Total potential revenue from Nickel = $193,191,620
It seems a little odd that the Nickel Sulphate should still command a price of $111 millionafter it has been refined and the Nickel removed.