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Originally posted by eastwest101
Well - lots of information in that release, a very detailed document although much of it unchanged from previous feas studies. A lot of info to digest there and will need time to absorb it all.
So what has changed from the previous feas studies?
A few things stuck out for me:
Debt needed to fund constrction.
Still a very conventional mining operation with no new technology planned.
No major spend by CMMC yet, and also no lead items ordered.
Seem to be commited to off-take to sell Cu concentrates to Glencore.
The sensitivity analysis showed biggest changes are with Cu prices and exchange rates.
Odering their own equipment and owner/operator mining (will subcontract out Drill & Blast)
Some tweaks to the previous design of the fron end crushing and the plant to simplify and reduce costs.
Oh you missed out on the biggest detail. the product at New Ingerbelle has gone to a finder grind. From 70mm railway ballast to quarter minus road base!!