So Catamarca can do it but Salta cannot?
This thing started when? Back in June wasn't it?
When the company was well around $3.20 and now we are 1/3rd down.
Did the company not know as has been pointed out by others on here how 'South America' operates.
And they wanted to throw options at our 'lovely lady lawyer's as
@airconditioner put it.
Kinda feels perfect that she got none, and I was for her getting them. Seems like much wiser heads were on the case than mine to block that one.
Had the company been aware of such delays perhaps they should have locked the share price in place until the transaction completed.
I don't think anyone appreciates the failure that this has been.
Why the halt? What point did it have after the share price took off for a number of days prior?
Doesn't sit right with me.
Also, to just announce something that the company had previously announced as an 'administrative process' on a halt.. with nothing more.
Anti climax.
But as I said, the more disappointing this company continues to perform the more likely when Martin is up, he will be gone. That's his problem not mine. It's just how I am spotting this go down.
Get some strategy gentlemen.