****The Environmental Effects Statement (EES) for the MMRP specifies that ..." PASS from this project cannot be disposed of without complying with the specs
The site has to be "EMP approved by the EPA" and the specs in the EES are:
• Treatment with lime; or
• Underwater disposal.
No Other Options are compliant. So the previous practice of some Operators - to take PASS without any treatment - will not be allowed. It's over.
Anyone in denial of this fact should note "The Environmental Performance Requirements (EPR) for the MMRP include the appointment of an Independent Environmental Auditor to audit the proposed plans and to undertake environmental audits of compliance as required under the EPR during construction.
In other words it will be tracked & monitored to ensure compliance requirements are met.
I believe this puts NAGs in the box seat & I think they and the EPA know it.
I also note it's a 10 yr Approval. Thats's a huge vote of confidence. I don't think it will be needed beyond 10 yrs anyway, as the NAGs pits will be filled well & truly before the 10 years is up.****
With above in place, can you then please inform us, why did nag miss out on early works pass contract?
P.S. epa doesn’t and cannot decide, where pass goes, as long as you are epa approved and that’s why early works pass going to another epa approved landfill and that proves Melbourne has other avenues to take pass