Black Stone, I believe that good cop has made a good point, and you should rephrase some of your statements/comments.
And to make it clear, you also wrote the following : ""Secondly all directors are covered with Insurances. "" Now what does that part tells you.??
That is where the majority of cases taken on by the likes of S&L and other following that sort of litigations, are taking. Suing the Directors for what has been perceived to be detrimental to the interests of the shareholders.
Ohh, and ne more thing.........Don't forget that there are a multitude of long term shareholders which are not willing to share their thoughts in this forum any longer but that they would be more than willing to join in in a class action against CDU and it's BOD's if one was to start.
You also seem to intentionally leave out that these legal firms are doing it for free and not one cent is required from shareholders to be contributed. Now, if I can ask you something, have you got anything o do with the running of this extremely hot dog.??
Once again DYOR properly.
And....................""I wont be wasting my money throwing more good money after bad. Im already stressed. ""