I think it lost some of its meaning in the Google translation but if you're interested in investing in RE stocks I'd suggest you print out the page and take it to a Chinese Mandarin translator to give you the gist of it rather then translate it word for word which doesn't really work.
My Mandarin is not that good but here is my take on that review,
" NdPr prices down recently as it has been in previous years for this time of the year, crackdown on pollution presents some challenges for rare earths market.
Dy prices fluctuating because the market is yet to mature and is affected by lack of any decent volumes going through the spot market. Uptrend is beginning to form but not everyone agrees that it has already started and rumors of price manipulation as well as some views that there is adequate supply of RE in storage does not help the prices. With RE price coming down in recent months Ruidow believes that some bargain hunters have started accumulating and this will further increase next month until the start of the Chinese New Year. "
Btw, if you think that NTU concentrator plant to supply the Chinese market was such a vain attempt why are the Chinese, who last I looked control the RE market, throwing money at it ? Does it have anything to do with illegal local mines having been shut down and limiting future supplies or is relying on the lower cost DRC mines for long term supplies becoming a bit risky ?
As for punting on stock market that maybe true in your case with Lynas but I prefer to invest in the stock market. As with the other juniors I hold the entry limit of each one is just 2% of my portfolio. So even IF the worse case scenario happened and NTU did a LYC, the pilot plant got beamed up by some UFO roaming in" the middle of nowhere" and share price fell over 95% like Lynas did the loss would still be less then 2% of my portfolio. So far NTU plant is going up as clockwork and they are keeping us informed at every step of the way so I have no reason not to trust them or dump NTU despite your almost daily desperate attempts to convince me to that effect.
As for NTU being in the "middle of nowhere" maybe you need to do some further research into mining in WA. Most of the mines here are scattered throughout the middle of nowhere and some of them a lot more then just 160km down the road from the nearest town, yet we export more minerals overseas then all the other states put together.
Not sure what started your OCD with NTU but I'd take a punt here that LYC was your first ever investment and for some of you possibly the only stock held and as such it would explain the strong emotional attachment to it and reason you are attacking NTU vehemently.
Whatever your reasons behind your persistent and somewhat bizarre behavior I would like to thank you for your concerns with my financial wellbeing but I prefer to let the facts speak for themselves rather then take advice from posters on public forums. Even when they seem so well researched, convincing and well meaning as in your case.
As such I think I will patiently wait for the completion of the pilot plant and the results from that before making a decision on viability of NTU as a RE supplier rather then get sucked into your fantasies and alternative reality. I wish you all the best with your investment(s) and hope you recover soon, on both counts.