I was just reading through the NTC AGM 2018 Presentation & C'man / CEO Address and have pulled out a couple of lines:"In 2012 our operating cash flow was negative $270K, whereas in2018 that figure was positive at $23.6M – a massive turn-around."
"In 2012 our market cap was $12.5m and today it’s $106m anddestined to go much higher in my opinion."
"We are all sorry that the market treated us so harshly, but the board isabsolutely certain that our focused growth strategy is the right one. AsNetComm becomes a global player it will produce significant wealth forshareholders but not without investment in people and capability."
If that language isn't screaming confidence then I don't know what does. I'd just like to thank all the shareholders for selling me their shares at these bargain prices.