Be very interesting to see what support Fura are giving artisinal and how they are determining quality to decide on pay rate for gems.
It is just so hard to determine just what is dug up on your land and exactly where . Only if you run artisinal teams and support them with processing at site. Artisinals obviously loved the prior arrangement as if it was all above board they got well overpaid for everything they produced from wherever they got it.
Would love to see data room data that went from MUS top NXE as apart from depths of gravel I am not sure what other viable information apart from MUS own virgin pit excavation , auger holes and processing at seemingly low quality sites to be marked as places to avoid.
GEM looking over the fence- well as you would know they would be well aware if a gnat farted over the fence as the local tribal drums communicate so well- with a bit of $ encouragement.
I would hope Fura were quietly augering everywhere and processing and sitting on all data as it is a low cost and only way to get real investigative data that will justify bigger plant and capital expenditure.
Any new equipment on site?