In all history,,the legacy of business that has origins from the roots of this acumen
has ALWAYS! been big.....
So one feels sorry to such as, @greeneyes and and one wonders why @dsaz8701
even bother to post,,to these equities.....non held,no sentiment,,no supportive evidence,,
another waste of time,,,,Bye Bye,,,
Now as fare as @greeneyes goes,,,,,one thinks this may be indicative of enviousness
and jealousy,and a rapacious obsession to have what those who hold have. One ponders
this as indicative of the posts that indicate such negativity..... Well @greeneyes thank
you for your posts,,and welcome to being ignored. All the best in your other ventures,
but one could no longer be bothered perusing such dross. Seriously,,,in
Post #: 28260057
??? says Sell,and Held,,,, ,,and ,desperation on a mega level... Bye Bye,,
The tidy up in the register,,will be great,,,,all indications of a business that
'knows ones onions',,,,and if you don't know the implications or the origin of that
term....please look it up,,,,,its a story in itself....
So all the best to all who are lucky enough to have,,and condolences to those,who
don't. DYOR,and GLTOH
PS one uses the words one does,as often a well chosen word,,is a sentence in itself...