Here are some numbers to ponder.....did rush but they are pretty close to the mark
End Dec 2015
Revenue $779
Expenses $1,123,000
Accumulated losses $1,240,000
End Dec 2016
Revenue $260,000
Expenses $14,599,000
Accumulated losses $15,2500,000
Cash and cash equivalent left $7m
Half yearly to June 2017
Revenue $461,000
Expenses $3,300,000
loss $2,213,000 (even after another capital raise and gov handback of $900k)
Cash in hand as of June 30 $1.6m
June - Sept Q
Revenue $67,000
Expenses $1,500,000
Cash left $200,000
So in 3 years we have
Revenue $788,000
Expenses $22,950,000
At lets say $400 retail per drone, they have sold around 1800 in 3 years
For each drone they sell, the marketing alone is $5360 (per drone)