Certainly interesting to look at these results in context of that post.
I have some difficulty visualising 3D type images like this one so I went back through old announcements and onto google earth to give it some context (for me).
The 2017 drilling targeted Nebo and probably helped fine tune this year's program so that it is coming in well.
Here are two sections from that work.
The Nebo "chronolith" is ?intruded into Felsic Gneisses and has marginal phases that include breccias and mineralised gabbronorite around a "barren" core.
Today's assays highlight the potential that was recognised by the previous DHEM and drilling.
As at Yappsu the location of the massive sulphides in both holes 82 and 84 is towards the top which makes me wonder if there is some structural overturning or other factor involved if gravity settling of massive sulphides happened here.
On section 372600E there is an interpreted flattening which may be why sulphides concentrations are thicker.
Hole 82 200m east of #84 has an even thicker intersection plus massive sulphides near the top. DHEM suggest these sections are related.
Further east 2017 hole #166 is reflected in holes 80 and 81 which shows the system extends but is not as thick.
A relatively thin zone of massive sulphides appears to be a common feature at Nebo and so is likely to be statistically significant for grade.
Looking at the intersection for hole 84 it breaks out into the high grade zone with a halo of Ni Cu grading 0.71% combined over ~45m down hole. These "lower" grades are being tested by the metallurgical studies with "reasonable" preliminary results.
There is still a lot of drilling to come.... to keep PT and others happy -Only ?4 holes reported so far.