Perhaps to summarise -
Anyone who bought in the $29-$30 range will be hard pressed to show a loss.
Anyone who bought in the $30-$31 range will find it hard to show that they took cognisance of the announcement.
Anyone who bought in the plus $31 range may well argue that they factored in the announcement, but will be pressed to explain why they only reacted so bloody slowly to timing their entry.
Given that price sensitive data, when poor, takes only
ONE DAY for the market to adjust. An adjustment process so vividly portrayed in the graph on the 28 Feb's to 1 Mar's adjustment!
If that be the power of the EMH, anyone who bought a day out later after the 27 November could too, be pressed to show that that announcement drove their pricing assessment.
Price Sensitive announcements - the irony is that they are so frenetically free with IMF-Bentham's own continuous disclosure regime.
So by extension if USA case #3 announced yesterday by IMF Bentham, should by extension of the WOW.AX argument, prove to stuff up say two years from now, any IMF investor who bought in the period can seek redress?
Indeed in two years from now if this WOW.AX price sensitive announcement proves to be err... recreant, will IMF-Bentham refund interval buyers their dosh forgone?
Oh the paradox!
I repeat.
I can only imagine IMF-BENTHAM explaining to a future court, that as they (IMF-Bentham) actively failed to disclose the size of the USA deal no #3, #2, & #1, the nature of the deal, OR they way it would be shared with FORTRESS Investment group FIG (NYSE) that the announcement could not POSSIBLY be deemed price sensitive, even tho' they did so announce the deals!
Hence - I suspect the only reason IMF-Bentham makes these vacuous announcements is to puff their own book.
Et tu...