No I don't hate you or anyone else. I just hate what money makes people do. Selfish things.
"Sometimes it just looks like they toss bait and you bite... "
Yes, I do bite. And they to me. The thing is by ignoring the BS the downramper's get exactly what they are after, their post left un-countered that leaves new viewers thinking there is not a counter argument available.
Note how he comes in and posts the exact same thing again and again? He wants to keep it front and centre. You think having an empty forum is "good for business"? It isn't. New investors want activity, I think it is a shame that NAE holders are not providing this, just for the most part a bunch of bitter, non holding, troll, downrampers. Ignoring their discussions that only serve to paint their twisted picture of this company is not beneficial to your investment.
Think about what you would want to see if you came to this forum as a fresh investor? You always get downramper's on micro cap stocks, unfortunately they know they can impact the share price enough for some self benefit, but usually others will also be discussing the positives and running through likely/possible scenarios. We have lost that. But last time we had it, this went on a run.
People want Gary to market more, etc etc. Well that's what this site is. But on this forum we have too much complaining and not enough action from our interested parties imo.
Truth is, Goldspec is likely targeting the new Soph investors (and there fresh mindsets). He wants them to question there investment here and get as many as possible to sell / not buy more. Bitterness and money does that too people. I find it disgusting behaviour and will not allow it to go unchecked.
He doesn't want to have lost (which he has) and have Gary eventually take home a win.