Well done to the drilling team - these new holes go down so deep I'm wondering if they're not considering a new way of exporting to China
I guess we were due for a bit of a rest day but don't let the "too deep" crowd get you down. This is early days for the drilling program. The drillers haven't even ground any of those diamond tips off yet.
We already have a 17-18 year life of mine resource and plenty of the good flat-lying stuff to get on with and these preliminary results verify what the historic tests have hinted at - that the area is loaded with seams of spodumene and a bunch of other nice mineral deposits that hint at other potentials too (fingers crossed for gold? cobalt?)
So far drilling results show that to the east of Dowling Pit there is that nice easy seam lazily sitting on the surface to be scooped up and past that fault line that butts onto the pit to the west there is a fat 30m seam sitting at about 100m down. By the time they've grabbed the last of the current pit's flat-lying deposit they'll already be down to 70-80m or so (can't tell from the scale) - I'm no miner but it seems (seams?) an easy expansion to the west to grab that.
Dowling Pit itself still needs more than the couple of drilling holes they've sunk as its still possible that fault area could throw up another nice surprise east of MTCDD1W1.
GMM have plenty of time to work out where the most economical seams pop up and when they've drilled a few more holes this verification of our expanded deposits will definitely revalue Mt Cattlin's deposit way north-wards. Looking very good.
Time for GrandMa Mining to get out of her chair again