Speedy I think I’m the most positive bloke on the block with this Deal,
I only have 1 little hic up ......If it was me needing 8 to 10 mil to get a mine up and running that will yield us between 5 and 25 ml per annum ...then I would not take 10 mins to get a deal done ,and I would not be worried about going through the banks at between 8 and 15% interest per annum ...seems a token amount with the income we can generate.
Also I would have invited share holders to raise the funds through a seperate IPO with bonus oppies and a buy back of those share offered at a good profit for us, at least it would be in house finance with no Interest paid to banks.
Anyway just my opinion , they must have good reasons for not going down this track.
Let’s face it 10 ml is really a pissy amount for this sector to borrow.