On another note, CNIO - who were responsible for finding out about MIDKINE's role in (skin) cancer metastasis (see post quoted above) - will host the upcoming FRONTIERS 2018 meeting
Link: Frontiers in Immunomodulation and Cancer Therapy
Interestingly, Joao Monteiro, Chief Editor at Nature Medicine, is also part of the committee.
Event Poster:
Venue: Spanish National Cancer Research Centre
CNIO Auditorium, Madrid, Spain
Chairpersons and organizing committee:
Victoria Aranda, Senior Editor, Nature, New York, US
Nabil Djouder, Growth Factors, Nutrients and Cancer Group, CNIO, Madrid, Spain
Joao Monteiro, Chief Editor at Nature Medicine, New York, US
Marisol Soengas, Melanoma Group, CNIO, Madrid, Spain
Laurence Zitvogel, Gustave Roussy Institute, Paris, France
Soengas and Zitvogel will be chairs for Tuesday July 10th, 2018 - Immunomodulation and immunotolerence
The presentation with "midkine" in the title is a short-talk by someone from the Olmeda/Soengas team.
Daniela Cerezo-Wallis, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Madrid, Spain
“Melanoma-secreted factor MIDKINE drives immune checkpoint blockade resistance and predicts clinical outcome”
Source: https://www.cnio.es/eventos/descargas/CFM/2106154_747.34_pdf2.pdf
There are further talks about T-Cells in human cancer and other topics, just have a look at the above link.