if anyone can find the link that no longer works (to the audio files) and i may be able to access them.. im digging and finding some stuff:
MIRABELA - COBALT (2015-2016)
During the first half of 2015, Mirabela Nickel Ltd. produced 149 t of cobalt in nickel sulfide concentrate from its Santa Rita
open pit mine and concentrator in Bahia State. In September, the company was placed under voluntary administration and
production results were not released for the second half of the year. Production was cut back beginning in late October
to reduce operating costs in response to the low nickel price, and the company planned to place the mine on care-and maintenance status in early 2016. The concentrate was sold to Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta Oy and an international trading firm (Mirabela Nickel Ltd., 2015, 2016).