a quick high level comparison with galaxy DFS which was released back in 2016 for 25kt/pa Li...
LPI Galaxy
1. opexUS$ 3770/t 3360/t (galaxy revised opex later to 3720/t)
2. After pot-cr 3370 2960 (LPI credit est.- revised 3320/t)
3. Li Grade mg/l 1050-1200 750 (LPI decisively much much much better - this is LPI's biggest WIN)
4. Capex US$ 563 376 (compare galaxy dfs table with LPI dfs... either galaxy very creative or LPI over stated)
5. pay back 3.5 yrs 2.10 yrs (just because of capex)
6. MC 60 mil 950 mil
if anyone is thinking lpi dfs is average... compare with galaxy dfs and then compare MC!!
galaxy 2016 dfs